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VidPowr Video Customization
Customize and brand your videos with VidPowr
Select from any of our 6 beautify video skins to customize
Apply your custom or brand color to your video player and control buttons
Disable what you want from the features, volume, mute, current time, captions, settings, PiP, progress, and more
Upload and use your own clickable branded logo on your VidPowr videos
Style and select your choice player buttons, add loops, and animate your buttons
Change default video thumbnail and upload your own thumbnails

Add interactivity and collect data with VidPowr

Add CTAs and clickable buttons to your video
Collect email leads inside your VidPowr video
Let viewers Book appointments in your video
Embed your third-party HTML code directly inside your videos
Add your product or affiliate product URLs
Connect and sync your leads to your choice autoresponder
Overlay ads or 3rd party ads in your video
Add clickable hotspots, and links to your video
Create questionnaires and let your audience interact with their feedback
Organize quizzes and polls and get feedback
Setup shopping carts and sell inside your videos.
Add navigation, video variations & Split test
Add autoplay, collect reactions, enable shares, give video credits and view counts.
Add interactive video navigations and chapters to your video for easy understanding
Customize your video end URL
Collect feedback from your viewers
Give your viewers the choice to select what they want to watch
Got your videos in multi-languages, use VidPowr to give viewers the choice
Secure and password-protect your videos. Restrict by region or use your own keys.
Add custom pixels, tracking, and analytics codes to your videos
Split-test your videos with different variations to get the best conversion.

Sign up for a VidPowr account!
Transform and add some awesomeness to your videos with the VidPowr interactivity app.
Made with ❤️ in Atlanta
©copyright 2025 VidPowr
Made with ❤️ in Atlanta
©copyright 2025 VidPowr